Does Your Vagina Feel Sexy?


What The Military, Superman, And Your Vagina Have In Common!

As a woman myself, I can tell you that self-care makes a world of difference. Sometimes self-care looks like wearing pajamas and diving into a Netflix coma for 12 hours (guilty) and other times it looks like meticulously grooming every square inch of your body as if you were going to appear on the cover of Playboy (also guilty). Whatever form of self-care you do, I know and you know that it makes you feel better about yourself in one way or another. But, when it comes to doing a little self-care for your lady, you get an extra boost of that raw femininity full of estrogen superpowers that let you know that you’re a strong, powerful woman who can conquer anything and you don’t need no man! Okay, maybe they’re good for some things like killing spiders and giving us foot rubs, but you know what I mean.

You know how they say when you are not quite having your best moments you should grab that sexy matching bra and panties and rock it? That’s like the modern-day female equivalent of Clark Kent wearing his Superman cape under his suit and tie. There are definitely days when it’s fun to feel like you have a badass, sexy secret, like when you saunter down the street after a Brazilian wax. You know the kind of sexual prowess you’re packing in those panties so naturally you feel like you’ve got it going on – because you absolutely do!

Vagina care is much like a secret weapon. The U.S. Coast Guard uses the phrase “semper paratus” which means “always prepared.” While your little love boat isn’t fighting any wars, it should always believe in the idea of “semper paratus” because when you’re prepared, you’re confident and when you’re confident, you’re unstoppable. Making your lady bits feel more lady like – with waxing, exfoliating, or brushing your downstairs bush - will put a little pep in your step and raise your badass woman meter off the charts Get that girl ready for whatever adventure you let come her way!


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